"Irby CC is delighted to announce a new coaching partnership with Fylde Coast Cricket Coaching LTD, led by Bobby Denning, to coach and develop its junior cricketers."
The coaching partnership will primarily focus on the development of Irby’s junior teams, leading a new academy-style winter coaching programme. This new provision will then extend through to the cricket season with coach development work and a number of monitoring and development sessions to run alongside the club’s regular training programme. The provision of 1-2-1 coaching sessions and a summer school will also be part of the agreement.
Gareth Jones, Irby CC Junior Chairman, said: “We have been working on ways to develop our junior section for some time. A key component of this was to bring an experienced coach on board to help us develop and improve what we do. It quickly became clear that Bobby was exactly who we were looking for and the opportunity to involve a seriously qualified coach who has had senior roles with the Lancashire Cricket Board and been Head Coach for ECB representative squads was something we could not pass up.
“We believe this partnership will help us build on the strong foundations we already have, enhance our community focus and take us forward significantly. On behalf of our juniors we would like to thank Bobby for agreeing to work with us and look forward to developing a long and successful partnership him."